
(Random Thought #1) The Sneeze

Have you ever noticed how ugly people look when they sneeze? Check it out sometime. If your friend/spouse/whatever looks like they're about to, take a good look and focus on their face. Better yet, whip out that phone cam and snap a pic. Man, that's got to be the ugliest look the human face can muster - it's that bad.

If your reflexes are truly as good as you boast to your friends and you actually manage to get that picture, send it to the email addy in my profile (be sure to put the word "Sneeze" in the subject line or it's automatically garbage) and I'll post it here. Don't worry, I'll make sure their faces are anonymous.

This is Eric, from emotioneric.com. This is the inhale part of the sneeze. I'd rather have the exhale bit, but if you get something like this, that's alright.

And hey, ladies and gents, don't bother trying to catch yourself sneezing in the mirror since the end result of trying to keep your eyes open is the equivalent of forcing oatmeal through your eye sockets. You have been warned.

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