
My Top 5 Playstation games

In lieu of Playstation's 10 year birthday here in the U.S., I've decided to pick out 5 games that:

* I still own.

* I still play.

So without further ado, because I know you're just underwhelmed with curiousity, here are my top 5 Playstation games in no particular order:

Metal Gear Solid

Ohhh man. Perhaps one of the greatest games on any platform, this game has it all - great graphics, impeccable gameplay, and an amazing story. I played through it twice because of the alternate endings. If you've never played any incarnation of Metal Gear, kick yourself in the back of the neck and call it a day.

Crash Bandicoot

Fantastically fun game. The graphics, the goofball sound effects and humorous moments are too numerous to mention. And who can deny a gaming company named Naughty Dog? Good stuff.


My favorite fighting series. Yes, it's pretty easy for a noob to pick up the controller, mash buttons like he's a crackhead killing "bugs", then surprise you with some combos from hell, but if you know what you're doing, you can keep these kinds of opponents at bay. Great fun against your friends. But be forewarned: Lots of yelling and shouting of obscenities occur frequently.

Gran Turismo

The first and still the ONLY video game series that actually feels like driving without leaving the comfort of your home. This series is worth getting a Playstation in itself. The only other game that has come close to this was Sega's Ferriari F355 Challenge.

Battle Arena Toshinden

This game was my first true 3D fighting experience. The game wasn't perfect - had a bit of slowdown, controls were sometimes slow - but it had atmosphere, cool looking characters and weapons. What more could a guy ask for? Are you kidding me? Quite a bit I'm afraid, but it doesn't involve sitting around a tv.

And there you have it folks, my top 5 Playstation games of all time. If you see a game that you think should be in my top five, well, too bad. Write your own damn blog.

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