

Today my brother and I went to see scenic Sedona,famous for its red rock formations and being a spiritual mecca. I've been there twice before but my brother had never been, so this was a great opportunity to see yet another one of God's fantastic creations. This picture was taken by my brother who has become quite good at taking pictures with the almighty Canon EOS Digital Rebel. This is one of many spectacular views that this special place offers. Besides getting ripped off at Burger King ($12.64 for four Whoppers and two regular Cokes?!?), and having to repeat our order 3 times to the "fellow" in the speakerphone, we had a great time. Because of circumstances beyond our control (we slept in), we got there in the early afternoon and certainly could have easily spent a few days there exploring the trails and getting even more spectacular shots. Besides lots of spectacular views, there are ample amounts of gift stores to peruse through to satisfy most any shopaholic. One of MY favourite places to go there are the many cafes and coffeehouses spread throughout the 19 square mile town. As you can tell, Sedona is filled with lots of things to do and see, and is a welcome break from the concrete and exhaust filled weekday that we've become accustomed to.

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