
Michigan, You Suck

In a recent bill passed by the Michigan House of Representatives, it makes it a crime for a man to "change or attempt to change an existing housing or cohabitation arrangement" with a pregnant significant other, to "file or attempt to file for a divorce" from his pregnant wife or to "withdraw or attempt to withdraw financial support" from a woman whom he has been supporting -- if it is determined that the man is doing these things to try to pressure the woman to terminate her pregnancy.

Um, what??

OK, in its most basic sense you either get put under "house arrest" or get sent to jail because you decide that you do not want to live with a pregnant female. So, say the guy got a better paying job in another town. She doesn't want to move because she is content with where she lives (maybe her best friend or parents live in the same town). Tough shit guy - you get to plant your ass and not move ahead if she's still pregnant and doesn't want to go. Nice.

Turn the tables for a second: what if she wanted to move but you didn't? Guess what? That law sounds like you have to go no matter what or you could possibly be slapped with "changing or attempting to change an existing housing or cohabitation arrangement".

Oh boy. If anybody thinks this is a good idea, you can kiss my ass. We already know how biased things are in the courtroom when it comes to a divorce and this is just icing on the cake for some conniving bitches.

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