
Why do you have so much junk?

"You have way too much crap.

I'm just guessing. Guessing that right now, in your life, in your closets and in your garage and in your car trunk and in your brain and even in your desk drawer you have way, way too much stuff, far more than any one person or single family needs and, oh my God, have you even seen your closet lately?"

Almost all of us are like this. I try and toss most stuff out if I don't use it in about a year or clothes if I don't wear them within the past 6 months (I live in Arizona, so we HAVE no change of season here ;P). Anyway, it's a good article and it just might give you that motivation to finally get rid of that Levi's jacket from high school or the used 8 track player that your dad gave you for your 16th birthday.

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